Pigfish are colorful members of the grunt family. They are marked with a bluish upper and a silver lower body, with a series of attractive stripes on the sides and bands on the snout and head. Each scale has a blue center which is outlined in copper or orange.
Pigfish range from Massachusetts through the Gulf of Mexico, although they are rarely caught north of Virginia. These small fish are usually found around structure such as shell piles, reefs, and piers.
Pigfish are often found together with spot, scup, and other saltwater fish of similar size.
Pigfish are easy to entice although they are skilled at stealing baits. Most anglers use small hooks baited with bloodworms, squid, crab, shrimp, or other local baits.
Pigfish are usually small but good tasting and sought after as a food fish. Larger fish can be filleted. Small pigfish are usually cleaned by removing the scales, head, and entrails.