This page provides coordinates for artificial and oyster reefs in Maryland and Virginia waters of the Chesapeake Bay.

Maryland Chesapeake Bay Artificial Reefs
Name Location Area Permit (acres) Material Date Latitude Longitude
Cedar Point Patuxent River 155 rockpiles 1988 38 18.43 076 22.43
concrete units 1988
fiberglass unit 1988
Cedarhurst Bay off South River 50 concrete rubble 1983 38 50.40 076 27.72
Chesapeake Beach Bay off Holland Point 50 tire units 1968 38 42.95 076 30.18
Choptank Bridge Pier Cambridge 50 concrete rubble 1986
Dolly’s Lump Bay below Sandy Point 50 concrete pipe 1968
Gales Lumps Bay below Tolchester 50 concrete pipe 1968
Holland Point Bay off Holland Point 50 FAD 1986 38 44.60 076 29.07
Hollicutts Noose Mouth of Eastern Bay 50 concrete rubble 1970 38 50.51 076 20.57
tire units 1968
steel tug 1975
Jane’s Island Tangier Sound near Crisfield 50 tire units 1968
Little Cove Point Mouth of Patuxent River 75 tire units 1968 38 20.53 076 22.80
Love Point Bay mouth of Chester River tire units 1968 39 04.08 076 17.45
Plum Point Bay below Chesapeake Beach 3440 concrete cubes 1994 38 37.19 076 29.36
Point No Point 1050 (5) barges 1986 38 06.85 076 17.85
shell pile 1986
Point Lookout Bay at fishing pier 50 clam shell 1990 38 02.80 076 18.63
Pooles Island Bay NE of Hart-Miller Is. 230 concrete rubble 1994 39 14.37 076 17.48
Severn River Bridge 2.5 concrete rubble 1994 38 59.63 076 29.07
Sharp’s Island Bay SW of Sharp’s Island 50 FAD 1987 38 33.95 076 24.42
Tangier Sound on state line 86 rockpiles 1988 37 55.22 075 56.67
Tilghman Island Bay W of Tilghman Island 50 rockpiles 1988 38 41.51 076 22.65
concrete rubble 1992
tire units 1992
(2) barges 1991
Tolchester Bay NW of Tolchester 50 concrete rubble 1986+ 39 14.48 075 16.13
Hackett Point 38 59.40 076 24.17
Hawk Cove 38 14.63 076 23.30


Maryland Artificial Reef Information

Tilghman Island

1200 Tire units, quarry rock and submerged vessels are deployed on the 100 acre site.

Slaughter Creek

This was a joint effort by NOAA, Maryland and the army Corps of Engineers.
14,000 cubic yards of dredge material and 2256 cubic yards of oyster shell were added.

Plum Point

Concrete cubes and rubble on a 3400 acre site.

Cedar Point

Fiberglass units, concrete and quarry rock on a 1500 acre site.

Point No Point

A barge loaded with shell material on a 2000 acre site.

Severn River

Rubble on the site.

Tangier Sound

Lower Tangier Sound Artificial Reef


Virginia Oyster Reefs

Reef Name Reef Location Date Constructed Bushels Oyster Shell Latitude DM.MM Longitude DM.MM
Fox Island Rock Tangier Sound 2002 93,149 37 54.417 75 56.333
Johns Rock Tangier Sound 2002 95,311 37 54.183 75 55.867
Thoroughfare Rock 1 Tangier Sound 2002 94,662 37 54.600 75 55.817
Thoroughfare Rock 2 Tangier Sound 2002 87,629 37 52.133 75 55..400
Thoroughfare Rock 3 Tangier Sound 2002 98,788 37 51.450 75 55..633
Marshall Rock 1 Pocomoke Sound 2002 93,000 37 54.417 75 47.717
Marshall Rock 2 Pocomoke Sound 2002 93,000 37 54.100 75 48.283
Marshall Rock 3 Pocomoke Sound 2002 93,000 37 53.817 75 47.267


Virginia Artificial Reef Information

Piankatank River

This is an experimental design VMRC. The reef is 1000 feet by 100 feet wide by 5-7 feet high of shucked shell composition.

Wreck Shoals, James River

The reef is 25,000 linear feet by 5 foot high of existing bottom and shell.

Mulberry Point, James River

This is an experimental design VMRC. The reef is 1000 feet by 100 feet wide by 5-7 feet high of shucked shell composition.

Community Projects

A variety of oyster garden programs and other small scale oyster restoration projects exist throughout the bay.

Related Information

Chesapeake Bay

Mid Atlantic Oyster Reefs

Shipwrecks – Obstructions

GPS Coordinates (Waypoints)